среда, 22 июня 2011 г.


The ancient kind of Svjatogorsky Monastery personifies for a long time already spirituality of Donetsk edge. Svjatogorsk — the earth, the first historical data on Sacred Mountains are dated the beginning of XVI century. Many secrets store in themselves and the light waters of the Collum sung still in "Song of Igor's Campaignª". These secrets, this Holy Spirit clearing and all-forgiving, attracted here Grigory Skovorodu, Anton Chekhov, Ivan Bunin, Marina Tsvetaeva, Ilya Repin and many other great people.

This city name a pearl of Donbass. Here there is no industry, here there come behind health not only bodies, but also souls. The large spiritual center, rich history, the unique nature, a curative climate, mineral waters... Such places on Globe will be not too much.
Now in Svjatogore the unique architectural reserve including 40 buildings and constructions, 29 of which — monuments of history, culture and architecture is created. Masterpieces of the Ukrainian national architecture — the Nikolaev church, cretaceous caves in the Sacred Mountains, XVI centuries known from the beginning, the Svjatogorsky Uspensky man's monastery Here have remained. Also, have remained to 1 000 meters of labyrinths — courses in a cretaceous rock.

The present pearl of Svjatogorja is the Nikolaev church of Svjatogorsky Monastery which has been created by unknown masters in XVII century on a cretaceous rock. This unique stone construction with a cretaceous altar recreates in a stone of tradition of wooden national architecture and certifies the Ukrainian baroque at the time of its highest blossoming.
In 1992 after a 70-year-old break over Svjatogorsky the ring of monastic bells again has begun to sound, and in March, 2004 to the Svjatogorsky Uspensky man's monastery the Monastery status is appropriated. It is necessary to notice that assignment to a monastery of this high status — event exclusive. So, in Russian Orthodox Church scales last time it took place more 170 years ago — in 1833 when the Pochaevo-Uspensky monastery has been awarded so great honor.
In reserve territory the museum expositions recreating a life, pictures of life of monks and eremites which were not only pilgrims and builders, and and the soldiers protected from the tataro-Mongolian invasion operate.
The monumental sculpture of Artema of work of known Ukrainian creator I.P.Kavaleridze concerns a complex of historical monuments of reserve (1927).
Near to a monument of Artemu there is the Great Patriotic War Memorial burial of major general Nikolay Batjuka in 1943 after fights under with became which beginning. A naked Valley of Slavic area. In the Memorial center — a communal grave of soldiers and officers which were lost at clearing of Svjatogorska and Slavic area of fascist aggressors, all — 272 surnames. In 1996 the memory Block on which it is brought more than 1000 surnames of the soldiers who were lost at clearing of our corner of the world is constructed. The monument to Vladimir Kamyshevu (an oak of Kamysheva) also concerns the Memorial, the scout-gunner who was lost in 1943.

In various both typical, and specific conditions of a relief of a right bank grow широколиственные woods age of 90-110 years with advantage of an oak. On several sites of a flood plain oak groves age of 280-300 years have remained, thus some copies of an oak reach 400-600-year-old age.
Here 54 kinds of mammals live, nest and meet during migrations about 200 kinds of birds, there live 19 kinds of reptiles and amphibians. In the river, in inundated bogs, lakes are found about 40 kinds of fishes. The total of representatives of fauna totals to 3 thousand kinds.
Special value is represented by the unique cretaceous pine forests generated by a pine cretaceous tertiary by a relict, brought in the Red book of Ukraine and to the International Red list of the Union of Wildlife management.
For fans of ecological tourism experts of park develop a special excursion route «Oak wood».

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