четверг, 21 апреля 2011 г.

Shurovo (Donetsk area)

Shurovo — Resort settlement in Donetsk area (Krasnolimansky area). The Red Estuary is located on the river Severski Donets near Blue lakes, in 12 km from a city. The nearest railway station — Brusin (a branch of Slavs — Red Estuary).


The arrangement in a river bend on the high sandy coast, overgrown pine wood, has predetermined "resort" appointment of district and village. The oldest health resort — Rest house. In total in a rest zone it is located more than 70 camp sites, boarding houses and пионерлагерей. In 3 km Blue lakes — the flooded open-cast mines of the former factory of a silicate brick are located. Considerable depth, cleanliness of water and a sandy bottom cause stridently turquoise color of water. A favourite place of "wild" rest. In this connection recently (after 2000) very strongly littered.

Bases of rest and boarding houses

In area Shurovo various sanatoria-dispensaries, bases of rest, boarding houses and other objects for cultural rest (only 64 objects) are located.

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