четверг, 5 мая 2011 г.

Tiger 2

The tiger is the largest and heaviest of wild cats, but his various subspecies strongly differ in the sizes and weight of a body. Continental subspecies of a tiger are larger than the island. Largest of them are Indian (Bengalese) and Amur (Ussuriisk, Siberian) subspecies. Which males can reach to 2,3-2,5 m, and on occasion to 2,6-2,8 meters at length without a tail and to weigh to 275 kg, and on occasion to 300—320 kg.
The length of a body without a tail at different subspecies fluctuates from 1,4 to 2,9 m. the Tail 60—100 see (at Amur to 110—115 sm ). The greatest known length of a body of the largest subspecies of a tiger — Amur — is underlined 317 sm, and together with a tail to the little less — 420 sm . "The Usual" maximum sizes of the Amur tiger the following: length of a body of males without a tail — to 290 sm, females — 200 sm .
The height in холке to 1,15 m. the Adult male in the nature usually weighs from 180 to 250 kg (Amur under the modern data on the average within 180—200 kg. (Historical 215—225 kg.). The greatest weight of the Amur tiger is underlined 390 kg and 384 kg — isn't excluded that these figures are very exaggerated — but they possibly concern to rare, especially today, to very large old males. Existence of males in weight in 325, 340, 350 and 360 kg , truth these given at times is established are called into question as are given from documentary unconfirmed or secondary, tertiary sources. Bengalese weighs on the average — 220 kg, Bengalese living in northern India and Nepal — 235 kg. A female usually considerably there are less than males, at Amur and Bengalese subspecies reaching weights of 100-181 kg. Taking into account existing six subspecies of tigers, the average weight of the male as kind makes about 170 kg, females about 115 kg.
Record in bondage of 423 kg at the Amur tiger.
Body at a tiger massive, extended, brawny, flexible. The forward part of a body is developed more strongly back, in shoulders a tiger above, than in a sacrum. A tail long, in regular intervals downy On forepaws on 5 fingers, on back — on four, 
Head with it is appreciable acting obverse part and a convex forehead . A head roundish. A skull large enough and massive, with widely placed cheekbones. The kondilobazalnaja length of a skull of a tiger exceeds 200 mm. The back ends of nasal bones come for a line of the ends of maxillary bones.Ears small rounded off. On each side heads tanks. Вибриссы are located in 4—5 numbers, white, at times at the basis brownish, very elastic, length to 16,5 sm, thickness to 1,5 mm. A pupil round, радужка yellow.
The adult tiger, as well as the majority of others cat's, has 30 teeth. On the top and bottom jaw on 6 cutters, 2 canines; on the top jaw — on 3 премоляра and 1 моляр; on the bottom jaw — on 2 премоляра and 1 моляр. The tooth formula: I {3 \over 3} C {1 \over 1} P {3 \over 2} M {1 \over 1}.
Well developed canines, which length can reach 8 sm, help a tiger to kill extraction. Long and mobile language is equipped on each side by special hillocks which are covered become horny эпителием and allow to separate meat from a skeleton of a victim. These hillocks also help at "washing".
The scalp low, rare enough, dense and low at southern subspecies, high and fluffy — at northern the Basic tone of coloring of tigers fluctuates from rubiginous to rzhavo-brown; a stomach, a breast and an internal surface of paws the light. Also there are light marks on a back surface of ears. The body is covered by the strips which color varies from brown to completely black. On a trunk and a strip neck have cross-section vertical position. On the trunk one strips can go down more low, others above or even to leave on a belly. All strips are characterized by the sharp bottom ends sometimes doubled below or forking and again incorporating before end. On a back half of trunk of a strip mainly settle down more densely. The strips beginning on a sacrum, leave on the back party of hips or come to an end in the middle of a hip. Some, having reached the top part of a shin, accepting an inclined slanting direction pass to inside of a foot.
Area of a muzzle below nostrils and area вибрисс, a chin and the bottom jaw white окраса, except black stains on a lower lip in mouth corners. A forehead, a cinciput and a nape with the difficult and changeable drawing formed by short cross-section black strips, often wrong form. Behind an ear the long strip going down on a neck and reaching a throat often begins. Sides of a head and tanks on a white field are covered by several black strips. The ear from the forward party is covered by white hair, with back — always black with the big white stain in the top half. The tail always comes to an end with a black tip and on большей the part bears the cross-section strips forming round him continuous rings. At the basis of a tail of continuous rings usually isn't present. Dark cross-section strips on a tail usually 10, but happens 8—9 both 11. The form and distance between strips on a skin of a tiger differ at various subspecies, but the majority of tigers has more than 100 strips. Sexual dimorphism in coloring isn't expressed. The arrangement of strips is unique at each separate animal, and, thus, can be used for identification of separate individuals, is similar to fingerprints at people. The given feature sometimes is used by researchers for identification in the wild nature of separate individuals behind which supervision is conducted. The basic function of strips is masking of a predator at hunting. Characteristic patronizing coloring of a tiger allows it to remain not noticed in thickets. She varies in various geographical areas and serves one of the bases for allocation of subspecies of a tiger. Striped drawing is present as well on a skin, and, if to shave fur on dark strips dark wool grows, and drawing is completely restored.
Trace of the male larger and more extended, than at a female, middle fingers act forward more clearly. Size of a trace of the male in length 15 — 16 sm, width 13 — 14 sm, at a female length of a trace 14 — 15 sm, width 11 — 13 sm.
Tigers possess well developed night sight, and according to some information, color sight is partially inherent in them also. As well as all representatives of a sort of panthers, a tiger, thanks to a structure of a throat and vocal chords, it is capable to publish a roar, however basically he gives tongue only in pairing.
Nipples of 2 steams — inguinal. Diploidic number of chromosomes 38.

Tiger — a kind exclusively Asian. The historical area of a tiger (it is now strong рассечённый on the separate populations, at times strongly kept away one from another) is in territory of the Far East of Russia, Iran, Afghanistan, China, India and the countries of South East Asia, including Zondsky archipelago (the Indonesian islands) [16].
The dwelling area was generated in the north of China in the pleistocene beginning (apprx. 2 million years ago). About 10 thousand years ago tigers have promoted to the south through the Himalayas and eventually Java and Bali have extended almost across all India, Malayan peninsula and islands Sumatras. Several centuries ago the area of his dwelling was outlined by following borders: 50 degrees with. ш. (Kazakhstan), 50 degrees of century д. (Northern Iran), 140 degrees of century д. (A mouth of the Cupid), 8 degrees ю. ш. (Soenda Isles). Now on большей parts of this territory tigers are exterminated; the largest populations have remained in India and Indochina. Within Russia small population of tigers is available only in the Far East, in Seaside [17] and Khabarovsk territory. Only during the period between 1995 and 2005 area of dwelling of a tiger it was reduced in Asia to approximately 40 %, thus, for today animals occupy only 7 % from an initial area [18].
Tigers live in a wide spectrum of landscapes: damp rainforests, мангровые bogs and bamboo thickets in tropics, dry savannas, semi-deserts, naked stony hills and a taiga in the north. In mountains rise to 3000 m above sea level.

 the Amur tiger (Panthera tiger altaica), known also as Ussuriisk, Siberian, Manchurian or North Chinese, basically lives in territory Seaside and Khabarovsk territory Russia, and in very small amount in territory of northeast China and the North Korea. Last two accounts (1996 and 2005 [19] [20]) have shown presence of 480-520 individuals of the Amur tigers in the nature, living in uniform, not dismembered an area which does given by population of the world's largest [21 [22]. The Amur tiger concerns the largest subspecies of a tiger. The given subspecies differ dense, long (in comparison with other subspecies) and fluffy fur, with more dim red background and smaller, than at other subspecies, quantity of strips. The Amur tiger is also one of the largest representatives of family cat's: тигрёнок at the age of six months on the size and weight it is comparable with an adult leopard.
Bengalese, or the Royal Bengalese tiger (Panthera tigris tigris) — the nominative subspecies of a tiger living in territory of India, Bangladesh, Nepal, Butane, occupy a wide spectrum of biotopes from rain woods to dry savannas and мангров. The Greatest quantity of Bengalese tigers lives in borders экорегиона Terai-Duar. According to the information of the Indian government, population of the given subspecies makes 3100—4500 animals, approximately 3000 from which live in territory of India [23]; but much the Indian scientists call this information into question, considering that such figures are overestimated. Under other data, number of tigers in India can be less than 2000 individuals [24], considering that the majority of accounts was spent on traces, and the given technique usually gives the overestimated figures. In spite of the fact that the given subspecies of a tiger are the most numerous, he also is under the threat of disappearance, basically because of poaching and native habitat destruction. All tigers of one of reserves (Сариска) have been completely destroyed by poachers. In 1972 in India there has been begun the scale nature protection project known as «the Project the Tiger» which purpose is preservation of this animal in the Indian territory. Thanks to the actions embodied in frameworks of the given project, the quantity of tigers has increased with 1200 in 70th years to 3000 in 90 [25]; this project has been recognized by one of the most successful programs on wildlife management in the world. Males of a Bengalese tiger on the average weigh from 205 to 227 kgs, a female — on the average 140—150 kgs. Bengalese tigers from the north of India and from Nepal are larger, than tigers of the south of the Indian subcontinent, which males on the average weigh 235 kg

the Indochina tiger (Panthera tigris corbetti) (also the tiger of Korbeta known under the name) lives in Cambodia, southern China, Laos, Thailand, Malaysia and Vietnam. The quantity of individuals of his population varies on different sources within 1200—1800 animals, but the estimation admits to more exact, close is faster to the bottom value of this interval. The largest population exists in Malaysia. Poaching in this country is shown by severe measures to insignificant volumes, but population of tigers is under the threat because of a fragmentation of areas and инбридинга. In Vietnam almost three quarters of tigers have been destroyed for the purpose of sale of bodies for processing on means of the Chinese medicine. The Indochina tiger has more dark coloring. The weight of males averages 150—190 kg, females — 110—140 kg.
 the Malayan tiger (Panthera tigris jacksoni) meets exclusively in a southern (Malaysian) part of Malay peninsula. These subspecies have been allocated only in 2004 (earlier population was considered belonging to an Indochina tiger) during the research spent by group of scientists under the direction in Laboratory of genetic variety of National institute of a cancer (Frederik, the USA). Last accounts have shown presence of 600-800 individuals of tigers of these subspecies in the nature that does his by the third on number among other subspecies.
the Sumatransky tiger (Panthera tigris sumatrae) meets only on the Indonesian island Sumatra. Number of wild population is estimated in 400—500 animals the majority from which lives in territory of national parks and reserves. Recent genetic research have shown presence in a genotype of subspecies of unique genetic markers; it is a sign of that on the basis of the given subspecies in due course there can be a separate kind cat's (if the subspecies don't die out). The basic threat for суматранского a tiger is environment destructions (deforestation occurs even in strictly protected territories of Sumatra), but during the period with 1998 on 2000 66 tigers (20 % of population) have been killed by poachers. The Sumatransky tiger is least of subspecies existing now: the weight of adult males makes 100—130 kgs, females — 70-90 kgs. Rather small size of the given subspecies consider as adaptation to life in rainforests of Sumatra. On February, 3rd, 2007 the pregnant female суматранского a tiger has been caught by local residents near settlement Rokan Hilir in a province of Riau; administration concerning wildlife management the decision on her transportation to safari park Bogor on island Java [26] was accepted.

The South Chinese tiger (Panthera tigris amoyensis) is subspecies which is under the greatest threat of disappearance, and, most likely, in the nature doesn't exist any more [27]. He also is one of the least subspecies: length of a body of males and females of 2,2-2,6 meters. Males weigh from 127 to 177 kg, females — from 100 to 118 kg. In 1977 the Chinese government has passed the law forbidding hunting for tigers, but for the South Chinese subspecies was already late [28]. Apparently, last South Chinese tiger in the nature has been shot in 1994. Now 59 individuals of the South Chinese tigers contain in bondage (all in China), but all of them are descendants only six animals. Thus, genetic variety of these subspecies the extremely insignificant. Since 2008 the government of China accepts a number of the measures directed on a reintroduction of the South Chinese tigers in the nature [29].
The Balijsky tiger (Panthera tigris balica) always was found only on small island Bali. These tigers have been destroyed by hunters: last балийский the tiger (an adult female) has been killed in the western part of island (Sumbar Kama) on September, 27th, 1937 [30]. In bondage балийские tigers never contained. Despite a total disappearance of local subspecies, the tiger plays an important role in балинезийской Hinduism versions.
Caspian (Persian) the tiger (Panthera tigris virgata) has died out in the late sixties; last certificate of a meeting with it concerns to 1968 [31] though, according to some information, last Caspian tiger have shot in a southeast part of Turkey in 1970 [32]. The historical area of these subspecies covered Armenia, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Uzbekistan, the south of Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan and Turkey. The Caspian tiger was rather large subspecies: the heaviest weighed male weighed 240 kg. Background color of coloring was approximately same as at the Indian subspecies, but strips were considerably already and more often located, more dark gray or brown, than black color. The fur of the Caspian tiger was long (concerning other subspecies), especially in the winter. The Caspian tiger together with Bengalese was one of two subspecies who were used by Romans in gladiatorial fights lions mind gladiators and other animals, such as берберийские. Under the modern molekuljarno-genetic data, these subspecies are almost identical to the Amur tiger [31].
The Javanese tiger (Panthera tigris sondaica) lived on the Indonesian island Java. Apparently, has been destroyed in 80th years of the twentieth century because of hunting and destruction of environment of dwelling. Disappearance became probable, since 1950th when quantity of tigers in Java about 25 individuals were reduced. Last Javanese tiger saw in the nature in 1979

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